Central America - February 2002

The Mayan Ruins in Copan and a journey by bus through Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

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Carnival time -- Sue was probably getting used to the constant barrage of firecrackers going off, something we heard every day during our month-long stay in Antigua.
From the journal:
This is action! Seems like EVERYONE in Panama City is out to party on the last night of Carnival, before Lent Wednesday. People are cooking on old car rims filled with burning styrofoam cups and charcoal, with dead runty chickens on a grill over the fire. Beer is selling for 50 cents a can. Fireworks are breaking our ear drums every few minutes. Entertainers and families and kids and hawkers are all out in full force. P.A sound systems line each side of the street and compete for audiences -- every knob is turned to ELEVEN! These guys know how to party.