North to Alaska - Summer 2002

The end of a great motorhome trip to Alaska with our friends Ed and Val.

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Our Route
Our route.  We took the Trans-Canada west, then the Yellowhead Route up to Edmonton. Just past Edmonton we stopped at milepost zero on the Alaska highway. We took that highway up to Whitehorse, then turned up onto the Klondike Highway (No.2) to Dawson City. From there we took the "Top of the World" Highway back down to Tok, AK. We rejoined the Alaska Hwy to its end in Fairbanks. The George Parks Hwy (No.3) brought us down to Anchorage. After two short excursions to Homer and Seward, we returned eastward via the Glenn Hwy and went down the Richardson Hwy to Valdez. Returning back north, we followed the Tok Cut Off to Tok, and back onto the Alaska Hwy. Just before Watson Lake we headed south on the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy (No.37) through the interior of BC. Near Smithers, BC we turned back onto the Yellowhead Hwy (No.16) to Prince George, BC. Then we followed the Cariboo Hwy (No.97) south to Vancouver, where Ed & Val visited Val's sister, while Sue and Rudy visited Rudy's sister in Abbotsford. Heading home, we followed the Trans-Canada (except for a little detour through Kelowna) all the way home, stopping in Revelstoke, Calgary, and Regina before arriving home safe and sound.